March saw yet another day of celebration in Mikindani as 21 more students graduated from The Old Boma Training Programme.
Consolata Receives Her Certificate
The Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, the Hon. Constantine Kanyasu was in attendance as 180+ local residents celebrated as our 21 trainees received their certificates, bank cards and NSSF memberships.
After a long six month programme learning hospitality, job skills and English, we were very proud as all our students passed in out top category for performance.
The families of our trainees were so proud, and so many joined in with the Ngoma dancing performed by a local Mikindani group as celebrations went long into the afternoon.
The Hon. Dep. Minister Constantine Kanyasu emphasised in his speech how impressed he was by the programme, but most importantly by the trainees. He was impressed with all the work done by Trade Aid and offered his support with any ongoing issues and support for all future training and projects. For that, we thank him and all his colleagues from the Department of Antiquities and Regional Offices who were in attendance.
Graduation is not the final step. Graduation is just the beginning. Now is the beginning of our trainees’ future and so Trade Aid will be working hard to find job opportunities or further training for our trainees inside or outside of Mtwara. Shabani Mohamed, one of this years trainees said bbefore the graduation that before he didn’t know what he would do, but thanks to Trade Aid he can now see a future for him and his family. It is these moments that make us proud of all our supporters, fundraisers and corporate sponsors who help to ensure the futures of people like Shabani.
Deputy Minister, Hon. Constantine Kanyasu gives a speech to the Audience
Shabani and his classmates join an illustrious group of Boma trainees who’ve become some of the most sought after hospitality workers in the entire region. We hope to see their faces in hotels throughout Tanzania and wish them the best of luck in their dreams. We also hope they return rgularly to tell future Boma trainees about the importance of this training.
Asante sana.